THM Recycling Solutions
Topic overview
"As a family business, we know the value of cohesion. We rely on reliable cooperation, efficient processes and sustainable cycles. That's how you get ahead at home, but also with the whole world."
— Timo Hüber, Management —
About us
THM recycling solutions GmbH is a sales company of Maschinenbau Ehehalt GmbH, a company with more than 30 years of know-how in recycling machine construction. We supply our customers with field-proven and highly available recycling machines that are optimally tailored to the needs of the recycling industry.
High flexibility, absolute reliability, quick response and top quality - with the typical virtues of an independent medium-sized family business, we meet the challenges of a demanding market.
By concentrating exclusively on the production of robust, economical recycling solutions, with a highly motivated team of qualified, experienced employees and with an approach based on customer proximity, we are ideally positioned for the future.
THM recycling solutions GmbH aims to be appreciated in the recycling industry as a reliable partner that supplies its customers with quality products and convinces them with exemplary customer friendliness.
Die Basis unseres langfristigen Denkens und Handelns haben wir in den folgenden Unternehmensgrundsätzen verankert:
- Wir liefern bestmögliche Qualität.
- Wir bieten unseren Kunden technisch führende Produkte zu wirtschaftlichen Preisen, damit diese erfolgreich sind.
- Wir haben höchste Zuverlässigkeit selbst in extremen Situationen als Ziel.
- Wir praktizieren die Führungsleitsätze für eigenverantwortliche und motivierte Mitarbeiter, die den gemeinsamen Erfolg im Team vergrößern.
- Wir streben eine ständige Verbesserung unserer gesamten Ablauforganisation von der Projektierung bis zur Endabnahme beim Kunden an.
- Wir möchten unseren Kunden einen qualifizierten und schnellen Kundendienst bieten.
- Wir fördern eine intensive EDV-Durchdringung und damit eine hohe Effektivität im Sinne des Lean Management.
- Wir halten alle gesetzlichen Bestimmungen hinsichtlich Sicherheit, Umwelt und Gesundheit konsequent ein.
Best prerequisite for a long service life
We practice the leadership principles for self-reliant and motivated employees, which increase the joint success in the team. We strive for continuous improvement of our entire process organisation from project planning to final acceptance at the customer. We want to provide our customers with qualified and fast customer service. We promote intensive IT penetration and thus high effectiveness in the sense of lean management. We want to generate good returns. We consistently comply with all legal regulations regarding safety, environment and health.
The quality of the work processes has a direct impact on the quality of the services and products. In order to document its high quality standards, Maschinenbau Ehehalt, the manufacturer of our recycling machines, introduced a certified quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 many years ago. The positive feedback on our machines from the field confirms that we will continue to maintain the highest quality standards in the future.
Customer proximity
THM's proximity to our customers is just as evident when you call us as it is when we are present at the customer's site: through competent and motivated customer advisors and qualified service staff. For us, however, proximity to the customer also means short distances, because this is how the targeted results are achieved directly and according to plan.
And only one contact person with excellent machine knowledge for all our customers' questions. Loss of information is thus avoided and rapid results are achieved. Our specialists know and understand our customers' processes. An optimal result is therefore pre-programmed.
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Neueste Pressemitteilungen:
– LiKE: Leichtbautechnologien in lebensphasenübergreifendenKreislaufprodukten der Energiewende (06.05.2021)