Best basis for high gas yield
Renewable energies are to be the core of the German electricity supply system in the future. Biogas is the only renewable energy source already available today from which electricity and heat can be produced on demand. According to the German Biogas Association, biogas plants can provide 15 gigawatts as flexible capacities in 2030. At the end of 2011, 7,100 biogas plants with an installed electrical capacity of around 2,800 megawatts were already producing electricity from biomass in Germany - enough energy for more than five million households.
The general goal for biogas use is a fermentation substrate that can be produced economically and enables a high gas yield. THM's Bio-TQZ has been the technical answer to this requirement for years. With its unique, chain-supported shredding technology, the Turbo-Crusher optimally breaks down the cells of the biomass and thus creates the best prerequisites for bacterial fermentation. Accelerated fermentation and a significantly increased gas yield are the result.
The specialist for biomass